Poop Tracker
If there are any changes in your bowel movements, where it’s more or less frequent, there’s a difference in shape, color or even smell-talk to your doctor. It can be helpful to keep track of this information so you can share the details! Fill in the details using the tracker below where you can chart your bowel movements over time including any notes (e.g. difficult to pass, foods or medicines you’ve taken that may have impacted your stools, etc).
The Bristol Stool Scale was designed in 1992 to classify stools into seven categories based on a research study, and we’ve adapted the scale into the interactive visual above to help you keep track.
M. R. Blake, J. M. Raker, & K. Whelan. Validity and reliability of the Bristol stool form scale in healthy adults and patients with diarrhoea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/apt.13746
Ideal-shaped bowel movement